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AI-powered chipsets: reshining mobile computing’s future

Particularly in the field of mobile computing, the junction of artificial intelligence…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh

Edge AI Rising: How Decentralized Intelligence is Changing IoT Devices

Edge AI Overview Edge AI—a mix of artificial intelligence (AI) with edge…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh

Report India’s Steel Sector’s Tech Investment Probably Worth $2.7 Billion by 2030

Given technical investments set to reach an estimated $2.7 billion by 2030,…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh

The Power of GenAI – Changing Banking and Finance into a New Era of Efficiency

Introduction With banking and finance leading the front stage in this change…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh

Investigating the Metaverse: Virtual World Expectations for 2024

Introduction From a minor sci-fi concept, the metaverse is now a fast-expanding…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh

Tech Gadgets You Cannot Live Without in 2024: Essential Tools for the Contemporary Customer

Introduction Keeping up with the newest devices can seem taxing in the…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh

Artificial Intelligence Innovations: How Future Shaped by AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a transforming force shining our present and future…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh

Comprehensive Guide on Revolutionary Tech Trends to Track in 2024

The tech terrain keeps changing with amazing speed as we enter 2024.…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh

Top 10 Cybersecurity Strategies Every Company Should Apply

Cybersecurity is becoming a crucial element for businesses' survival and success in…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh

Knowing the Future of AI Security: Learnings from Black Hat USA 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) keeps changing the future and its quick development presents…

Vishal Singh Vishal Singh